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NIL-8™ Peracetic Acid Sanitizing Solution & Membrane Cleaner

NIL-8 is a peracetic acid-based solution intended for use in membrane-based
water treatment systems and associated distribution piping, valves, & controls

NIL-8™ Sanitizing Solution & Membrane Cleaner

NIL-8 Peracetic Acid

NIL-8™ is a peracetic acid-based solution intended for use in membrane-based water treatment systems and associated distribution piping, valves, & controls. It’s been proven consistently effective with decades of successful application in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical industries as well as in general industry. Cleaning of membranes and associated equipment with NIL-8™ to kill microbes and remove bacterial load is proven to maintain the quality & consistency of products and process fluids, as well as maximize membrane life. NIL-8™ can eliminate the expense and time for acid cleaning of membranes where iron or manganese are not primary foulants.

Typical Applications

• High-purity Water System Sanitization
• NF, UF & RO Membrane CIP
• Microbial (Slime) Control in Cooling Towers or Condensers
• Agricultural (Fruits, Vegetables, & Livestock) Water System Cleaning

Chemical Makeup

Peracetic Acid ………………..5.6%

Hydrogen Peroxide ……….26.5%

Inert Ingredients ……………67.9%

NIL-8™ Application Literature

NIL-8 Application

NIL-8 is a peracetic acid-based solution intended for use in membrane-based water treatment systems and associated distribution piping, valves, & controls.

Winery NIL-8 Brochure

Sanitization is a crucial step in wine production. NIL-8™ peracetic acid’s broad microbicidal capacity and rapid on-contact efficiency make it extremely suitable for winery sanitization.