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Data Sheets and Product Overview

Global Filter’s catalog and brochures featuring the Global Filter product lines

Global Filter Product Catalog

Global Filter Catalog

The catalog includes Global Filter’s complete line of products with their respective datasheet.

English Catalog
French Catalog
German Catalog Japanese Catalog
Spanish Catalog

Global Filter Product Overview

Global Filter Product Overview

Brochure featuring Global Filter’s product portfolio.

English Overview
French Overview
German Overview
Spanish Overview

Pleated Depth and Pleated Membranes Brochure

Pleated Depth and Pleated Membranes: What’s The Difference?

A brochure to help you understand the difference in our media offerings.

English Brochure

French Brochure

A brochure to help you understand the difference in our vessels offerings

A brochure to help you understand the difference in our depth cartridges offerings